Born in 1993 near Mainz, Germany
2023: One year fulltime course in Swedish language at University of Lund, Sweden
2020 - 2023: PhD in Computer Game Studies on the topic of „Digital Games and Politics“ at the University of Bayreuth; scholarship by Friedrich Ebert Foundation
2017 - 2020: Master's programme in Interdisciplinary Media Studies at the University of Bielefeld
2016: Internship at the Digital Games Culture Foundation in Berlin
2014 - 2015: Erasmus year in the Computer Games Enterprise degree programme at the University of South Wales in Cardiff
2012 - 2016: Bachelor's degree programme in Cultural Studies and Cultural Informatics at Leuphana University Lüneburg
2011 - 2012: Voluntary cultural year at W3 - Werkstatt für internationale Kultur und Politik e.V. in Hamburg
2011: A-levels in Hamburg
Professional activities
2021 - 2022: Project organisation at WiN University of Bayreuth Graduate School
Winter semester 2019/20 and 20/21: External teaching assignment for the seminar „Games and Politics“ at the University of Marburg
2020 - 2021: Part-time job at the organic farm Mertens Wiesbrock, Rietberg
2018 - 2019: Assistance in several games education projects of the Digital Games Culture Foundation in cooperation with the Bielefeld Youth Council
2017 - 2019: Collaboration in the Bielefeld Youth Association in cooperation with the NRW Game Guide as head of game tester groups
2017 - 2018: Part-time job at the sustainable shop Bees and Nectaries, Osnabrück
2017: Student assistant on the youth education project „Youth Demography Dialogue“ at Leuphana University Lüneburg
Voluntary activities
2021: 1st chairwoman of Foodsharing Bielefeld e.V.
2014 - 2022: Member of Foodsharing e.V.
2017 - 2018: Member of the Media Studies student council in Bielefeld
2017: Regular support for young refugees at the ESG Osnabrück
2012 - 2016: Member of the student café and open space Plan B in Lüneburg
2008 - 2019: Member of Mensa in Deutschland e.V.; participant in the MinD Academy 2009, 2010, 2013 and 2015